Page 18 - Technical Cooperation Project for Building Capacity for Can Tho University...
P. 18

JCC        Joint Coordinating Committee
                   JFY        Japanese Fiscal Year

                   JICA       Japan International Cooperation Agency
                  JKUAT       Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

                   JSUC       Japanese Supporting University Consortium
                   KIT        Kyoto Institute of Technology
                  KOICA       Korea International Cooperation Agency

                   LRC        Learning Resource Center
                  MARD        Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

                  MDR         Mekong Delta Region
                   MJR        Model Joint Research
                   MM         Minutes of Meetings

                  MOET        Ministry of Education and Training
                   MPI        Ministry of Planning and Investment

                  NEWS        North, East, West and South
                  NIHE        National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology

                   NUL        Nagasaki University Library
                  OCOP        One Commune One product

                   ODA        Official Development Assistance
                  OECD        Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development
                   OM         Operation Management

                   PDM        Project Design Matrix
                    PI        Principal Investigator

                   PMU        Project Management Unit
                   PO         Plan of Operation
                    PR        Public Relation

                   QA         Quality Assurance
                   QM         Quality Management

                  RCEP        Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
                   RD         Record of Discussions
                  RDDD        Research-Development-Demonstration-Dissemination

                   RLC        Research Laboratory Complex
                SATREPS       Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development

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