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Phosphorus concentration in surface water and groundwater
                                3 Progress of Joint Research Activities

                 Research No.:  ㉖㉖ E-2  ODA Loan Joint Research                          Date: Oct. 16 , 2020
               1   General Title    Analyzing and modelling water and land resources
                                CTU:    Van Pham Dang Tri (Leader),  Truong Chi Quang, Le Tan Loi,
               2  Core Members        Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Nguyen Dinh Giang Nam, Tran Van Ty
                                Japanese Universities:  SASAKI Jun (The University of Tokyo),  MUTO Tetsuji (Nagasaki University)
               3     Duration                         Jan.2018 – Dec.2020 (3 years)  <1 Batch>
               4 Main Objectives  To simulate environmental changes to support early responses and adaptations
               5   Focal Points
                5       Focal Point                          Topic 2: The development of numerical models for predicting surface water pollution in a river
              Topic 1: Modeling land-use change and developing strategies for sustainable land-use
              management in response to impacts of climate change  in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta  Reach 1
                                                              Reach 2
                                   Land use 2015   Land use
                                   simulation     2015       Water quality monitoring location
                                                             in Cai Khe canal and Xang Thoi
                                                             lake, Can Tho, Vietnam  Onsite monitoring
                                            Kappa = 0.84
               The land use changes model was built for   Landuse 2015   Ammonium and Nitrate concentration at the monitoring points in low &
                   Soc Trang province  Land use 2010  Rice   Crops   Fruit   Shrimp   high tide time  -High tides increase the movement of water in canal and affected pH, DO, TDS…. concentration in the system
                                                                             -Tide has varied effects on the nutrients status and phytoplankton community
                                      (ha)  (ha)  (ha)           WQI (Water Quality Index)
                                Rice (LUC)  130.512  1.664  2.080  368
                                Rice + Orther  544  576  96  1.232
                                Crops  0  7.140  640  1.104
                                Fruit tree  0  832  5.360  352  Salinity dynamic
                                Shrimp  768  1.024  1.232  44.240
                                1. Trương Chí Quang, Võ Quang Minh, Nguyễn Hồng Thảo. 2019. Ứng dụng ảnh viễn thám phân tích sự thay đổi  Result of DO(%) and tidal regime in canals and lakes
                                vùng canh tác lúa trong mùa khô vùng ven biển Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long. Khoa học Đất Việt Nam. 57. 5-10.
                                2. Quang Chi Truong , Kenichi Tatsumi, Thao Hong Nguyen, Vu Thanh Pham, Tri Van Pham Dang (in prep.).
                                Agent Based Modeling Approach for Land-use Change dynamics, a case study in Soc Trang province, Vietnam.
                                3. Trương Chí Quang, Nguyễn Thị Kim Loan, Văn Phạm Đăng Trí (in prep.) Đánh giá sự thay đổi sử dụng đất dựa
                                trên mô hình ra quyết định đa tiêu chí. Tạp chí Đại học Cần Thơ.
              Topic 3: The interaction between coastal mangrove forest, tidal wave and coastal erosion  References:  Comparing the self-cleaning and recovery
                                                             1. Nguyen Dinh Giang Nam, Le Nhu Y, Nguyen Thi Kieu Diem, 2019. "Assessment of water
                                                                                levels of water quality characteristic
                                                              quality in an urban lake and canal system in Cantho city, Vietnam". International
              The overall objective                          2.  Conference on Sustainable Engineering And Infrastructure 2019 .  parameters at high tide and low tide: EC
                                                                                water pollution is recovered by 1.5 to 2
                                                              Nguyen Đinh Giang Nam, Le Nhu Y, Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Van Pham Dang Tri (in prep).
              The research will be conducted                  “The tide effects on the water quality recovery in the urban lake-canal system in Can Tho  times; Ammonium index, the recovery is
                                                              city, Vietnam”. VNU Journal of Science: Policy and Management Studies.
              by empirical research methods to               3. Nguyen Đinh Giang Nam, Le Nhu Y, Nguyen Quoc Cuong (in prep). Đánh giá sức chịu tải  negligible, only 0.2 to 0.5 times; the
                                                              và khả năng tự làm sạch của đoạn rạch Cái Khế, thành Phố Cần Thơ. Tạp chí Đại học Cần
              measure mangroves structure and  Diagram of installation of wave - gauges  Thơ  determined about 1.2 - 1.5 times.
              collect the wave energy from the               Topic 4: Geomorphological changes of secondary channels under climate change
              fields at coastal zone in Soc                  scenarios and agri-aquaculture activities along the neighboring floodplain
              Trang province.                                The overall                        GPS   ADCP
              Reference:       Study area                    objective:     Soc Trang Province
              1.  Lê Tan Loi, Ly Trung Nguyen,       Wave gause  1. This study was to
               Nguyen Ngọc Duy & Van Pham
               Đang Tri, 2019. Evaluating the wave   Ground elevation  apply the 2-D   Sampling
               reducing ability of mangrove                   flow model for a
               thickness in Tran De district, Soc             small tidal river
               Trang province. Can Tho University             with insufficient
               Journal of Science.                                                  Collecting suspended sediment and   Measuring bathymetry and
               DOI:10.22144/ctu.jsi.2019.127.                 data.        Study area  river bed material  hydraulic parameters
              2.  Le Tan Loi, Nguyen Ngoc Duy, Van           2. The mass of                        0  300  600  900  1200  1500 Nồng độ SSC (mg/L) 2400  2700  3000  3300  3600
               Pham Dang Tri (in prep.).   Wave data analysis   sediment from                     0 -2
               Correlation between tidal wave   Mangrove forest structure                         -4 -6
               energy and forest structures in the            upstream to                         -8
               coastal area of Soc Trang province,            downstream each                     Độ sâu (m)  -10 -12
               Viet Nam. Can Tho University                   season.  Sediment transport         -14
               Journal of Science.                           3. Supplying                         -16
              3.  Le Tan Loi, Ly Trung Nguyen, Van                                                -18 -20
               Pham Dang Tri & Jun Sasaki (in                 scenario under   (In-door) Analyzing   Sediment and SSC along the river from  28-29/08/2018  04-08/10/2018
               prep.). Wave Energy Dissipation due            the impact of
               to Mangrove Forest Structures and   The correlation between the   Wave conditions and cumulative   climate change  suspended sediment concentration   upstream to downstream (GOM)
                                        Change in significant wave
               Bandwidth: A Case Study in the   mangrove forest and wave   height as a function of water   distributions of significant wave   Hydrodynamics modelling  My Thanh station  Tran De station 0.89
                                                   height during three deployment
               Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Wetland.  energy  depth  sites                      72
                                                             References:                   0.32 121
              Topic 5: Water quality changes given impacts of intensive farming systems  1.  Nguyễn Văn Khanh, Nguyễn Thanh Quân,   0.58
                                                              Dương Thị Trúc, Trương Minh Nhật và Văn
                                                              Phạm Đăng Trí, 2019. Đánh giá vận chuyển bùn   334
               Literature review                              cát lơ lửng, phân bố trầm tích đáy, địa mạo và   0.40 284
                                                              chế độ thủy lực sông mỹ thanh, tỉnh sóc trăng,
                                                              Tạp chí khoa học Trường đại học Cần Thơ, 27-
                                                              37.                                 Simulation cases, the modified
                Arranging the                                2.  Nguyen Van KHANH, Akio OKAYASU,   2-D flow model of My Thanh River  Yearly changes of four primary tidal   data from 1985 to 1990
                                                                                       constituents and mean-sea-level
                                                              Tsuyoshi IKEYA, Daisuke INAZU, Van Pham
                experiment                                    Dang TRI, Practical flow modelling of a small
                                                              tidal river with insufficient hydrodynamic
                                                     Water sample testing   information, Journal of Japan Society of Civil
               Collecting water and   Setting the field experiment  Rain and evaporation measuring instruments  at the lab  Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 2019,
                soil samples                                  Volume 75, Issue 2, Pages I_187-I_192.
                             RESULT                          3.  Nguyen Van KHANH, OKAYASU, A., IKEYA,
                       N and P content varies with the amount of  T., TAKAGI, H., Van Pham Dang TRI (in
              Developing a model to   fertilizer in both surface water, groundwater and  prep). Application of 2-dimensional flow model
                                                              to a small river in Vietnamese Mekong Delta
              estimate the residues of   soil. During the study, N and P values ​​were  with incomplete boundary conditions.
                 fertilizer  recorded showing that rice did not absorb all of  Hydrological Sciences Journal  Spatial distribution of measured   The simulation results of the improved 2-D flow model of My Thanh
                       fertilizer and some were lost through surface          depth samples     River
                       water, groundwater and soil.
               Estimating pollution   - For surface water, N content increased strongly  Topic 6: Assessment of sustainable groundwater resources management in urban areas in the
                concentration  in the first days after top dressing, then decreased  Phosphorus concentration in surface   Nitrogen concentration in surface
                                                     water and groundwater
                                          water and groundwater
                       gradually. The N and P content in surface water is  Vietnamese Mekong Delta under socio-economic development and climate change context
              References:  affected by rain and evaporation.
              Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Nguyen
              Thi Thu Thao, Pham Thị Huynh   - The change in N and P concentrations in  Literature and Data collection  4  Can Tho  0
              Nhu, Tran Thị Thuy Loan, Nguyen   groundwater and soil is similar to surface water,  2
              Dinh Giang Nam, 2019. Absorbility  increasing  with  fertilization  and  decreasing  0    0.1
              of nitrogen and phosphorus in the   thereafter. However, the values ​​of N and P change  Evaluating the
              water bodies of an intensive paddy   relatively little and relatively stable, due to the  GWL and land   -2  0.2
              rice field. Journal of Vietnamese                current state of   subsidence     Hydraulic head (meter)  -4  Cumulative subsidence (meter)
              Environment. Special Issue   interference of humus content in the topsoil layer  GWR   -6  r = 0.99  0.3
                                                                                                   aquifer: qp23
              APE2019. 75 - 80.  in the field.  Nitrogen and phosphorus in soil    Holocene qh  Upper Pleistocene qp 3  -8  0.4
                             E2 - Program timeframe            Pumping test   Calibrating and    -10 -12  0.5
                                                                     Validating of GWL           Annual groundwater extraction
                    Content         2018           2019        Developing   simulation.          induced subsidence rate for
                               Q.1  Q. 2  Q. 3  Q. 4  Q.1  Q. 2  Q. 3  Q. 4  the scenario   Forecasting  Upper-Middle Pleistocene   Total subsidence  year 2006-2010 from
                                                                                                 Minderhoud et. al (2017)
                  Literature review                           - Maps of exploitation and monitoring wells ➔ The   qp 2-3
                Arranging the experiment                      current state of GWR exploitation;
                                                              - Fluctuation of GWL at monitoring wells ➔ GWL
                 Collecting samples                           reduction and land subsidence
                 Developing the model                        References:
                                                             1. Tran Van Ty, H.V.T. Minh, L.H. Boi Ngan, D.T. Nhan and T.C. Luan. Pumping test for
                   Forecasting                               determining hydrogeological parameters for groundwater flow simulation in Can Tho city,
                                                             Vietnam. Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học toàn quốc VIETGEO 2019 “Địa kỹ thuật và xây dựng
                                                             phục vụ phát triển bền vững”. Vĩnh Long, 25-26/10/2019. Trang 433-440. NXB Khoa học
                                                             và Kỹ thuật. ISBN: 978-604-67-1397-5.  Observed hydraulic head time series at district representative
               Writing the scientific journal                2. Tran Van Ty, Huynh Vuong Thu Minh, Ram Avtar, Pankaj Kumar,Huynh Van Hiep, and   monitoring wells and corresponding cumulative calculated subsidence
                                                             Masaaki Kurasaki. Spatiotemporal variations of groundwater level and its impact on land
                                                             subsidence in CanTho city, Vietnam. (Submitted to Water: ISSN 2073-4441)
                                                             3. Tran Van Ty and Huynh Vuong Thu Minh (in prep.). Simulation of groundwater level in
                                                             Can Tho city.
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