The PMU shall be responsible for Project implementation, including procurement, planning, budgeting, monitoring, coordinating, submitting WAs to JICA, retaining supporting documents, submitting required documents including annual reports and financial statements, establishing and maintaining accounts.
Tasks and duties of the PMU are as follows.
- To assist the Project Owner (PO) in develop overall implementation plan and annual implementation plan of the Project
- To support the PO in preparation for implementation and implementation of the Project
- To support the PO in performance of tender activities and contract management
- To support the PO in the disbursement work, the financial and asset management of the Project
- To follow up and assess the situation of performance of the Project
- To prepare for acceptance of and handing over the output results of the Project by the PO after completion, finish the audit work, hand over assets of the Project, make the completion report and finalization statements of the Project
- To perform other tasks in the framework of the Project assigned by the PO.