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Along with economic development, the risk of losing biodiversity resources is increasing, then, building mechanisms to support sustainable development  becomes urgent. On October 07th, 2016, Can Tho University (CTU) welcomed and worked with the delegation of Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) Committee on Nature Conservation, Japan to survey the status of research in the field of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture at CTU.


At the meeting, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Phuong, Vice Rector of CTU has detailed information about the Mekong Delta and CTU, the cooperative relationship between the University with Japanese partners in recent years. In particular, the University is conducting research with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the fields of agriculture, aquaculture and environment.


The meeting with the Nature Conservation Committee, Japan at the Administrative Building

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Phuong, Vice Rector of CTU providing information about the Mekong Delta and CTU

Expressing the joyfulness for CTU to receive the support and cooperation from the Japanese organizations and Keidanren, Mr. Masaya Futamiya, Chairman of Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation, Head of the Delegation expressed his honor to visit CTU, a prestigious university in Vietnam, training talented people who are capable of leading in many areas.

 Mr. Masata Futamiya shared that in 1992, Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) established the Committee on Nature Conservation and Nature Conservation Fund, which sponsors nature conservation activities in Asia - Pacific.  Nature Conservation Fund has supported non-governmental activities in Vietnam for many years, and funded research to protect species of fish at risk of extinction in the Mekong Basin.


Mr. Masata Futamiya, Chairman of Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation in his speech at the meeting


 At the meeting, the delegates have listened to the presentations on the status of research activities in the field of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture at CTU, then, discussed with professors and lecturers of CTU. Through this journey, on October 07th, the delegation went on a fieldtrip to see conservation context of rare species in the Mekong River region and exchanged information with researchers, relevant people of non-governmental organizations and CTU on conservation activities in Vietnam.

 The Chairman of Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation said that the projects in the fields of agriculture, forestry and aquaculture that CTU is conducting have a great significance in the implementation of sustainable development. Therefore, these projects should be continued to develop. This survey trip is a very important task for the study of solutions to achieve sustainable development, Keidanren Nature Conservation Committee will use the information, opinions collected on the activities of the Committee in the near future.

 Mr. Masata Futamiya sent profound thanks and hoped to receive the cooperation of CTU for the operation of Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation, JICA and Nature Conservation Fund.


Exchanging gifts and taking group photo

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