Guidelines on Publications 


 As part of the research programs of the JICA Technical Cooperation Project and Can Tho University Improvement Project, papers are to be published in international and domestic journals. These Guidelines show how to count papers and other outputs[1] and how to note acknowledgements.


(1) Counting the number of journal papers

The number of the publications is counted with original papers including experimental results, which are obtained by a member of CTU’s research team listed in a proposal.

  • The papers published by an international or a domestic journal in Vietnam with a peer-review system are counted.
  • It is not necessary for the papers to have been written by the CTU member as the first or corresponding author.
  • The papers published or accepted within one year of the end of each research term are counted.
  • For publications in international journals, its impact factor should be given. For publications in domestic journals, language from the text should be given.


(2) Counting the number of other articles

Papers without peer-reviews, reviews, proceedings, thesis and books which fully or partly describe the results of the research programs are counted separately from the publications mentioned above.


(3) Presentation in scientific meetings

Oral and poster presentations in international and local meetings are counted separately.


[1] Output categories are given in an attachment. The international journals are defined as those with impact factors and their articles are collected by Web of Science.

(4) Standard acknowledgement note

A) JICA Technical Cooperation project research

This study is funded in part by the Technical Cooperation Project "Building capacity for Can Tho University to be an excellent institution of education, scientific research and technology transfer" of JICA.

Đề tài này được tài trợ bởi Dự án Hợp tác Kỹ thuật “Tăng cường năng lực Trường Đại học Cần Thơ thành trường xuất sắc về đào tạo, nghiên cứu khoa học và chuyển giao công nghệ” của Cơ quan Hợp tác Quốc tế Nhật Bản (JICA).

B) ODA-loan research project

This study is funded in part by the Can Tho University Improvement Project VN14-P6, supported by a Japanese ODA loan.

Đề tài này được tài trợ bởi Dự án Nâng cấp Trường Đại học Cần Thơ VN14-P6 bằng nguồn vốn vay ODA từ chính phủ Nhật Bản.










Deputy Project Management Specialist

CTU Improvement Project











Project Chief Advisor









Associate Professor

Project Director


[1] Output categories are given in an attachment. The international journals are defined as those with impact factors and their articles are collected by Web of Science.



Output Categories


I.    Article



A.    Paper by peer-review journal


1.      International (average of impact factors)


2.      Domestic  i) Written in English


                             ii) Written in Vietnamese


B.     Others


1.      Book


2.      Review


3.      Paper by a non peer-review journal


4.      Proceeding


5.      Thesis     i) Master’s degree


                           ii) Doctoral degree

II. Presentation



A.    International


1.      Oral


2.      Poster


B.     Local


1.      Oral


2.      Poster



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ODA Project Management Unit, Can Tho University
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